Other Things in Which I have Appeared

Sometimes I'm on podcasts, or being interviewed for something or providing help with someone else's project. Here are some of these things.

-Based on my post about encouraging platonic friendships between kids of different genders, I was contacted by a producer at CBS News. They interviewed T and I and also Buddy. We mostly talked about relationships between kids of different genders and the documentary ended up focusing on aggression so we weren't heavily featured. You can watch it here but it's not captioned. You can watch a captioned clip featuring me and my wife here. You can read an article based the documentary here.

-I do advocacy around parental leave. I was interviewed for this piece on parental leave, specifically looking at Latino men. I contributed to this piece on parental leave, also focused on Latino Men. You can license a stock photo of me advocating for leave.

-I have been a podcast guest for a few outlets. Here I am talking about raising kids with disabilities on the Dad AF Podcast. After being featured several times in Porch Light Posts and Fatherhood on Friday I was on the Dad 2.0 Summit Podcast talking about raising kids with disabilities and nonconforming gender identities to be comfortable in their own skin. I appeared in an episode of Tonescapes about pandemic pods without knowing I was being recorded. 

-Back when I was teaching at a community college, I was interviewed for this piece on the benefits of  attending community college: 3 Surprising Reasons to Attend Community College First

-I was the sign model and consultant for this article on baby sign: The 12 Signs you HAVE to Teach Kids Before They Start Talking.

-I wrote this for Double Trouble Daddy and their "Daddies Do" series: How to Leverage Old Technology in Exchange for Sleep.

-I've made it into five articles on our hyper-local news site, Berkeleyside. Two were about counter protests against the far right activists that made annual visits over a three year period. Two were about  my equally hyper-local joke group Your Mom is So Berkeley.

-I am a kinda regular contributor to City Dads Group. I've written about my failure raising bilingual kids, raising a kid with a cleft palate and two pieces on gender issues; one on being the parent of a transgender kid and one on co-ed sleepovers.

-I was the face of the A's Access season ticket program in this SF Chronicle article.

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